Video-projection, screen, network installation, website and program, size and support variable, 2013.
Triptych, 110 × 70 cm digital printing (3D render) mounted on dibond, 2012.
Still Life
Potatoes, copper, zinc, electric plugs, hifi wire, audio jack cable and pre-amplified speakers, variable dimensions, 2011.
Series of 3D animations, variable dimensions and media, 2010.
Szamár Madaár
Silent 3d animation in wireframe rendering, ten second loop, 2010., 2010.
Instant T of Art/Instant Tweet
Ordinateur, vidéoprojecteur, programme Java, réseaux internet, microphones, préamplificateur et hauts parleurs, dimensions, supports et formes variables, 2010.
Computers, Assault Cube game (licensed under Gnu/Linux) dimensions and media variable, 2010.
Triptych, screen printing on canvas (140 × 140cm), acrylic paint on canvas (41 × 41cm), video projector, speakers and program (variable dimension),, 2009.
Prototype of 46 pages available on request, 22 x 19cm, 2009.