Lost in the attraction / abstraction
Generative animation, 264 exemplaires, 2022.

Entangled shapes
Hybrid series (NFT & Plotter) 84 iterations (single copies), programming, Bristol paper 24 x 32 cm, Rotring Isograph pen 0.4mm and Indian ink, 2022.

Tes désirs sont désordre
Generative program, 84 random copies generated on the Tezos blockchain, 2022.

The triangle balance
Generative program, 50 random copies generated on the Tezos blockchain, 2022.

Nested grids
Generative program, 30 random copies generated on the Tezos blockchain, 2022.

Degenerative grid
Generative program, 25 random copies generated on the Tezos blockchain, 2022.

Fine point pen (0.2mm), Bristol paper (240 g/m²), 29.7 × 42 cm, 4 variations to a copy, 2022.

Vanishing points
Ballpoint pen, acrylic paint, Bristol paper, five variations of one copy 24 x 32 cm, 2022.

Degenerative architecture
Video, stero sound, 23min29, sizes and support variables, 2021.

24 expected pieces
Felt tip pen on paper, 42 × 59.4 cm, 2021.